29 de julho de 2013

Negociações com um burlão: resposta a um anúncio meu

Eu tenho um anúncio publicado em alguns sites de classificados. Como acontece com muitos anunciantes, eu também recebi um email de um burlão interessado. Decidi trocar emails para ver até onde posso ir nesta brincadeira.

O anúncio é este:
Guitarra semi-acústica Rochester, como nova, sem nenhum risco, cordas de bronze. €180.

Aqui segue a conversa até ao momento:

26/07/13 - 09:00
Is your advert still available for sale?

26/07/13 - 09:34
Yes. My advert is still available for sale.

26/07/13 - 11:35
Thanks for your response i want you to kindly get back to me with the price and the picture before we processed further.

(NR: lembrem-se, o anúncio é uma guitarra acústica por €180. Mas sei perfeitamente que estes burlões enviam mensagens automáticas sem sequer ler o anúncio. Para comprovar isso, decido enviar uma foto de um pedal de distorção qualquer sacado da net e proponho um preço estupidamente alto, quase 15x mais do seu valor. Vejam a imagem aqui:http://tinyurl.com/qywcf2g)

26/07/13 - 11:57
Here's the photo. The price is 575 euros. It's a limited edition, very rare.

26/07/13 - 13:32
Thanks for your response can you ship it down to my cousin in Nigeria? am ready to offer you the total sum of 600Euro including the shipment to Nigeria here is my cousin address below

Name: Isaac Folahan
Address: 33 Oke Sokori Street
City: Abeokuta
State: Ogun state
Country: Nigeria
Zip code: 23439
Phone: +2348132720537

If you are okay with the term and price the payment will be done to
you by bank transfer so kindly email me back with your full bank
details such as

Account Holder Name:
Bank Name:
Account Number:
Bank Code:

As soon as i receive this information from you i will forward them to my bank to make the payment to your account and you can then go ahead with the shipment okay
Awaiting for a fast response from you as soon as possible

(NR: aqui comprovei que ele nem quer saber que material estou a vender e o preço. Só quer fazer "negócio". Aproveito para adicionar mais um item com um preço alto também. Desta vez, uma palheta de guitarra que vale para aí a menos de €1.)

26/07/13 - 13:52
Ok. I would you like to add a rare guitar pick to this order if you agree to 650Euro. The guitar pick costs 100Euro. I only have this stuff to sell, nothing more. If you agree, i will send to you the information then.

26/07/13 - 15:47
Ok friend i am okay with that but i want to know if you will be able to ship it or you want me to arrange for the shipping company who will come down to your address in Portugal and pick it up.
Kindly get back to me as soon as possibles

29/07/13 - 11:15
I'm not sure. I need an information. If you send a shipping company how does this work? How much will be the added costs? Does the company have sufficient space for the guitar pick?

29/07/13 - 14:05
Thanks for your response i can arrange for the shipping company then to your place for the pick up but i will like you to first send me your home address in order to know the shipment cost down here

29/07/13 - 14:15
No need for that. I guess i will send it myself. The item is not that big.
The details you asked are this:

Account Holder Name: Anacleto Cebola
Bank Name: Banco Nacional de Amora
Account Number: 0333 546478045412 1
Bank Code: 327A22

29/07/13 - 16:30
I just forwarded the details to my bank now and they have finished making the payment into your account now and you should have receive the payment confirmation, check your email or junk/spam but temporary hold have been put on the transfer because you are to first send the Shipment Proof to them first, so i want you to proceed with the shipment first and send the details by replying to the confirmation message you receive for verification and remittance of your money into your account.

Here is the address once again:

Name: Isaac Folahan
Address: 33 Oke Sokori Street
City: Abeokuta
State: Ogun state
Country: Nigeria
Zip code: 23439
Phone: +2348132720537

I wait for the shipment details from you...

(NR: aqui, vou mudar de objecto a vender)

29/07/13 - 16:50

Wow. That was quick. You work fast. But i didn't receive the confirmation yet. As soon as i receive, i will send the item to you. I'm glad i'm making this business as my amplifier takes a lot of space.

Anacleto Cebola

29/07/13 - 18:00
Hello Friend
Thanks for your response my bank Scotia bank have already notify you that the payment has been made and the money has been deduced from my account but before they could release the money to your account you have to first go and make the shipment and send them the shipment receipt

So what you have to do now is to first go to the post office and make the shipment has soon as the shipment has been made they will give you a receipt at the post office it is that receipt you would have to scan to my bank for verification

My bank is demanding for the shipment receipt from you before they could activate the money to your account The reason why my bank is doing that due to the high rate of internet fraud and also to secure the money i can send you a copy of my id card so that you can be sure

So kindly go ahead with the shipment and send the the shipment details to my bank as soon as my bank receive the shipment details from you it would not take my bank up to 1 hour to activate the money to your account so kindly make the shipment on time and email my bank the necessary shipment details okay

Thanks for your understanding Awaiting for the shipment details from you


(NR: eu estava ansiosamente aguardando o comprovativo. Seria engraçado ver a cópia com os dados fictícios que lhe enviei. Mas, pela mensagem, ele não vai enviar. Diz que o banco envia só quando eu fizer o envio da encomenda, o que nunca vai acontecer. Assim que eu disser que enviei a encomenda, ele vai deixar de me contactar. Por isso, vou tentar empatar mais um pouco.
Curioso o método que ele propõe porque está preocupado com as fraudes na internet.)

30/07/13 - 09:55

I understand your caution. Yes, there has been a high rate of internet fraud. I heard some frauds situation about some guys on african countries wanting to buy stuff and then they don't send money. It's sad, i know.

I will make the shipment right away and send the receipt. I can scan it. Can you give me the email to send it to?

Anacleto Cebola

(NR: as negociações não já dão para ir mais longe. Eu queria ver o comprovativo de pagamento com os dados que enviei ao burlão mas ele não vai enviar. Ele diz que é o banco que envia só depois de eu enviar o recibo de envio de encomenda. Mesmo que enviasse algo, eu nunca iria receber o comprovativo de pagamento pois, para ele, a encomenda enviada é o que interessa. Por isso, acaba aqui a interessante conversa.)

30/07/13 - 15:31
Thanks for your response kindly scan the shipment receipt to my bank email scotiabankmoneytransferagent@accountant.com i assure you that once my bank receive the shipment receipt from you instantly your money will be activated to your account so kindly go now to the post office and make the shipment and send the shipment details to my bank so that they can complete your transfer to your account today

30/07/13 - 18:00
Wow, man. You are a very patient person that goes all the way, i give you that. It has been a very interesting conversation and a great inside of how you do your scam. There's so much to learn.
It's amazing how come your bank has a payment ready for a bank that doesn't exist. They must be very generous.
And it was curious to see that you do not pay attention to the ads you sent a message. You are always interested to buy anything on the internet without seeing what's the product requested. And no matter how much it costs. You asked for my guitar and i replied you with a pedal and a guitar pick that costs around 30euros and you were willing to pay 650euros. I guess if i sent to you a photo of a bag of rotten potatoes, some dead rats and vomit for 1000euros you would say something like: "Yes. Send it to me. I need it." You must be very generous.
I don't know how people can fall for these scams. I guess there are a lot of dumb people in the world, lucky for you.
I know a lot of people who need money and work. You must be loaded of money and in need of people to help you. I guess i will recommend going to Nigeria and work for you. Hell, i have you adress and all... Pretty cool.
I was just hoping for 2 things that didn't happen: the deal being false, because your offer of 650euros for a pedal and a guitar pick would come in handy. It would buy me 1.000 guitar picks. And the other thing was the transfer confirmation. I would like to see how it would be composed with all the details i gave you. Oh well, next time.
I also found interesting that you are concerned about high rate of internet fraud. It's good to see you're concerned about your job.
But thank you for letting me know how you work and have a laugh along the way.

Flávio Charneca

P.S: I signed with another name, but i believe you did not pay attention to it also.

(Nota final: infelizmente, estes burlões fazem estas propostas a centenas, senão a milhares de pessoas por dia na internet. Nem que 1% das pessoas caiam nesta fraude, ele já fica a ganhar. E é impressionante a quantidade de pessoas que cai nestes esquemas e noutros mais absurdos. O que achei curioso foi o facto de, tal como este burlão, outros também enviam a morada completa e número de telefone e mesmo assim não são apanhados. Como é possível as autoridades não conseguirem apanhar estes burlões com estes dados? Ou será que têm conseguido?)

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